Wellness Coaching
What Can Wellness Coaching do for you?
Every head has a secret place… Sometimes, the thoughts inside our head are the only privacy we have. Our minds create fantasies, hold memories, and build dreams. They can also hold us fast in the darkness, halt us from living, and keep us in fear.
You are perfect just as you are right now, the only place where you believe you are contrary to this statement is in your thoughts, in your mind, in your own perception of yourself. Personalised wellness coaching can help you to break out of these mindsets, rise up and realise your dreams.
Our bespoke packages use any of the following techniques (either alone or combined): Yoga, chakra balancing, meditation, confidence coaching, lifestyle coaching, nutrition, primal therapy, dream analysis and tarot readings.
This System is in no way a replacement for an orthodox medical approach. Please seek medical consultation before beginning any new health methods
Wellness Coaching,Where do we start?

Personalised wellness coaching begins with an in depth consultation process. All confidential information about a client will be treated respectfully and their rights to confidentiality will be respected at all times.
The Relationship between client and coach is a very important union. only by developing trust can both parties being open to growth and change.
Coaching sessions are unique to each client.

Anna Hall
Wellbeing Winnie Founder
Personal, business and spiritual development coaching. Yoga classes & private coaching & wellness consultancy.

£14.99 pcm
Access The Growing Video Library

1:1 Yoga/Therapy Support Session

£150 pcm
Six months of growth commitment

Four Weeks of Intense Support