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Somatic Yoga Therapy

Somatic yoga, a unique yoga practice, delves into the profound connection between the mind and body. Inspired by somatics, a movement therapy emphasising gentle movements, somatic yoga aims to enhance the brain’s ability to control muscles more effectively. This practice encourages individuals to focus on their internal sensations, allowing them to cultivate a deeper understanding of how movements feel from within.

Course Overview

‘Less Is More’

The 21-day program offers a structured plan for each day, which may include one or more of the following elements:

  • A list of activities
  • A video guide
  • Downloadable cheat sheets for extra support


The program takes a holistic approach to healing and weight loss by guiding participants through a somatic process step by step. This process combines movement, mindfulness, meditation, and diet to provide a comprehensive approach to personal well-being.

This programme teaches you to ‘slow down’ with the goal of reducing elevated cortisol levels in the body. If you feel the need to work harder, go faster, feel the burn, then ask yourself:

  1. Why the need to move all the time is the priority for you over the importance rest and rejuvenation?
  2. Where does that need to achieve, to perform, to show that you are valid by the speed of your actions come from? 


Why You Should Take This 21-Day Somatic Yoga Therapy Online Course

Somatic yoga therapy is a unique practice that can help you improve your mind-body connection, reduce stress, and improve your overall well-being. This 21-day online course will teach you the basics of somatic yoga therapy and provide you with the tools you need to start your own practice.


Here are just a few of the benefits of somatic yoga therapy:

  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Helps regenerate the body by activating the bodies natural ‘rest and digest’ mode
  • Soothes the body from ‘fight or fligh’t mode
  • Increases flexibility and range of motion
  • Relieves pain and inflammation
  • Improves sleep quality
  • Enhances mood and overall well-being
  • May help support weight loss by reducing elevated cortisol levels.


This 21-day online course is perfect for anyone who is looking to:

  • Improve their overall health and well-being
  • Learn how food can impact stress
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Learn a new way to connect with their body and mind
  • Deepen their yoga practice.


What you will learn in this course:

  • The basics of somatic yoga therapy
  • How to focus on your internal sensations
  • How to use gentle movements to improve your brain’s ability to control muscles
  • How to cultivate a deeper understanding of how movements feel from within
  • How to use somatic yoga therapy to improve your overall health and well-being
  • The ‘Balance’ diet method

Lessons – What’s in store


To help you grasp how the somatic yoga therapy course can benefit you, we’ll begin with a thorough description of what somatics entails.


Additionally, we offer valuable information on the autonomic nervous system and how elevated cortisol levels can impact weight gain, hormonal imbalances, recovery, and sleep.


Moreover, we provide the “Balance” Diet Plan, which suggests a diet that will support you on your journey.


Sample Day:

Day One

  • Simply Breathing
  • Unfurling
  • Brain Scan


Day Two

  • Non Reactive
  • Sleeping Cat/Cow
  • Safe & Empowered


Day Three

  • Seated Cat/Cow
  • Spinal Sway
  • Seated Twist


Continue …

1. I’ve heard somatic yoga can help you lose weight, will this course help with that?

While somatic movement alone may not lead to significant weight loss, it can serve as a valuable addition to your regular fitness regimen by impacting metabolism positively. Contrary to popular belief, weight loss is as much a mental challenge as it is a physical one. Somatic exercise plays a vital role in keeping cortisol levels in check by reducing stress, enhancing sleep quality, and supporting mental well-being. By addressing these factors, somatic exercise can prevent emotional eating, which is often triggered by high cortisol levels, and consequently promote healthy weight management.

The theory is that cortisol ‘the stress hormone’, when elevated are a known contributor to weight gain, particularly in the abdomen, and yoga, in general, reduces cortisol levels. So, it may not matter so much what style of yoga you are doing, so long as you are reducing stress while you’re at it.

2. Can Somatic Yoga Therapy help support my mental health?

Somatic exercises enhance the understanding of the connection between emotions and physical well-being, facilitating effective therapeutic outcomes. Research supports the efficacy of somatic approaches, such as somatic experiencing in treating PTSD and aiding emotional adaptation in challenging situations.

Through an introspective journey known as the somatic journey, you can uncover aspects of your life, such as belief patterns, that may be contributing to poor health and inadequate coping mechanisms in stressful situations. We emphasise that mental health needs can vary or each individual. Therefore we advise that you seek guidance from a mental health professional before starting any new health regime. Somatic therapies are not a replacement for orthodox medicines and approaches.

3. Is this for men and women?

Yes this most certainly is! The exercises provided are designed to support physical, mental and emotional needs in all people.

4. Do I need to be able bodied?

This is a tricky one… Please seek advice from a medical professional if you need clarification. The ‘Somatic Yoga Therapy’ program offers various approaches. These are designed to help heal the body and aid in pain reduction. Sometimes we ask for you to increase the intensity of the movement so as to re-enforce the ‘brain-to-muscle’ connection. You can therefore reduce the intensity to suit your current needs.

You can choose to skip specific videos if they make you uncomfortable. Additionally, you can incorporate props like chairs to modify the exercises and make them more suitable for your needs. 

4. What happens after the 21 days?

Consistency is the best way to achieve the long term benefits. We advise that you make time to repeat the programme, and/or try to incorporate some of the techniques into your daily routines. 

Anna Hall

Yoga & Wellness Coach

3 months Access

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somatic yoga therapy

'Balance' Diet Plan

Diet plays a vital role in how your body heals and finds the ability to cope in mentally stressful situations. Your body's stress response is regulated by hormones and neurotransmitters, which are derived from amino acids obtained from dietary protein. The 'Balance' Diet Plan will help you understand what the body needs and provide a sample meal plan for you to work with.
Bonus Material

Recommended Reading

Your Body is Listening is an invaluable companion for those of us seeking simple and powerful ways to enhance our daily lives and natural rhythms. Everywhere, everything and every person we come into close contact with will interact with us on a vibrational non-physical level, directly influencing our vibrational field. 

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