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Wellness Blog
Yoga & Wellness Events & Classes
Packages & Memberships
Members Wellness Video Library
Teen & Pre-Teen Yoga
Student Consultation Form
Personalised Coaching
Wellness Programmes
Yoga Foundations Program – Free
On-demand Yoga & Wellness Classes
Free Shadow Work Masterclass – Transform Your Life
Somatic Yoga Therapy – Release Yourself
Business Bootcamp: How To Run A Yoga Business
Realign Your Wellness: 28 Day Happiness & Purpose Journey
Your Body Is Listening – Paperback
Wellness Blog
Yoga & Wellness Events & Classes
Packages & Memberships
Members Wellness Video Library
Teen & Pre-Teen Yoga
Student Consultation Form
Personalised Coaching
Wellness Programmes
Yoga Foundations Program – Free
On-demand Yoga & Wellness Classes
Free Shadow Work Masterclass – Transform Your Life
Somatic Yoga Therapy – Release Yourself
Business Bootcamp: How To Run A Yoga Business
Realign Your Wellness: 28 Day Happiness & Purpose Journey
Your Body Is Listening – Paperback
Wellbeing Winnie - Yoga Student Consultation Form
Consultation Form
This information will never be share with a third party. By signing this form you have understood the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and agree that your information will be kept and used by members of WellbeingWinnie with regards to your interaction with the company. N.B if you have a condition that is being monitored by your doctor please check with him/her before continuing with the exercise programme, Please note that if you are attending a class or tutorial in person (not online) you will need to provide an emergency contact number in the same section as your own telephone number. Please inform us of any changes in your health that occur during this course. I understand the information I have provided to be correct to the best of my knowledge
Yes I have understoon
Name & Address
Phone Number
Emergency Contact name and number
Although yoga is suitable for all ages, you may feel you have certain age related restrictions. Our bodies experience certain biological changes through out our lives and we would like to ensure you are offered the best service just for you.
About your Health:
Blood pressure problems
Breathing Difficulties
Spinal Problems
Heart condition
Muscle or joint problems
Balance problems or dizziness
Are or have been pregnant in the last 6 months
Neck pain Arm/shoulder pain
Fibromyalgia/ ME
To ensure we offer you a safe and effective practice please provide any information that you feel relevant
Please provide any additional information about your health that you think may impact your yoga practise
How much yoga and meditation experience do you have?
Please include any styles of yoga you are familiar with
Do you require the loan of a yoga mat
No thank you I have one
Yes please I will need to borrow one
How do you feel about the use of music or essential oils during a class? Are there any essential oils that you are allergic to or dislike?
Please include any styles of yoga you are familiar with
Do you have any questions or concerns that you would like to share with us? Please also use this space to share any information that you think will be important?
I have read the terms and conditions (found on T&C's page)
Yes I have read and understood the terms and conditions
I confirm that all the information I have provided is (to the best of my knowledge) Accurate. This will be considered a digital signature and agreement. Please add name and date below
If you are human, leave this field blank.