Terms & Conditions
All courses provided by Wellbeing Winnie or Wellbeing Winnie School of Holistic Healing (WWSHH) are subject to the following terms and conditions:
(WWSHH) courses are written and graded by different tutors who may run independent businesses. If you are unhappy with a course or have any questions you should contact your tutor or the company in which they work for directly.
We take complaints about the conduct of our course creators seriously. Any complaint about any of the course or there instructors should be notified to the Principal in writing via email to: [email protected]
For the fees quoted, (WWSHH) will supply the course materials or practical training workshops on dates decided by (WWSHH) (at its sole discretion) throughout the duration of the course. All other services described in the promotional material are provided free-of-charge, unless otherwise stated.
Whilst (WWSHH) will take all reasonable steps to make courses as inclusive as possible, participation in any course requires that you can understand spoken English and write and read in English to a good standard.
Upon enrolment for any course, you agree to pay for the course. This is subject (if applicable) to any right of cancellation you may have by law to cancel the course and any contractual cancellation right agreed by (WWSHH) Please note that in addition to any rights you may have to cancel the course, you may have a separate right to cancel any related credit agreement. Cancelling the credit agreement does not however automatically cancel your course and you will still be liable to pay for the course unless you have also exercised any right you may have to cancel the course.
In accordance with The Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges), you have a cooling off period in which you may cancel your enrolment by giving notice to (WWSHH) in writing or by email. In the case of distance learning courses, this right expires 14 days from the date of your first receipt of course materials. In the case of practical training workshops, this right expires 14 days from the date of contract (normally the date when you make your first payment) or upon your practical training workshop commencing (if sooner). In the event of cancellation, all course materials must be returned to (WWSHH) at your expense and in good condition.
In the case of distance learning courses supplied electronically, you must not download or stream such courses or access lesson two or beyond during the 14 day cancellation period as you will not have the right to change your mind and cancel your enrolment after you have downloaded, streamed or accessed lesson two or beyond of the course. Printed course material is available by request and will carry a printing and postage free, this fee is payable prior to receiving the requested materials
If paying by a (WWSHH) Instalment plan, you agree to pay promptly each month or with each assignment submitted, whichever is the sooner. (WWSHH) reserves the right to withhold course materials whilst any payment is overdue. If you have elected to pay by a (WWSHH) Instalment plan, you may terminate your participation on the course at any time by giving 2 months’ notice in writing. The notice should be sent to the [email protected] if you do so you will still be liable:
- to make any payment already outstanding at the date that you give notice;
- and
- to make any further payment(s) that fall(s) due during the notice period.
Subject to clause 8, you shall pay your (WWSHH) instalment plan payment promptly each month. If you default in making any payment when due, (WWSHH) shall have the right to exclude you from the course until the arrears are paid. (WWSHH) shall be entitled to make an additional charge for any additional reasonable costs incurred by it as the result of your default. If your default shall continue for more than 30 days, the Company shall be entitled to cancel your enrolment by giving you 2 months’ notice. If the Company cancels your enrolment as a result of your default for more than 30 days, you will have to pay:
– any outstanding payments at the date of cancellation of your enrolment plus the monthly instalments falling due during the 2 months’ notice period;
– interest on all outstanding payments and payments due during the 2 months’ notice period calculated daily from the due date until date of payment, after as well as before any judgment, at the rate equivalent of 6.9% APR; and
– any other additional reasonable costs the Company incurs as a result of your default.
You must complete all payments and successfully complete your course prior to issue of (WWSHH) certification. Fees payable by the student to any external accrediting bodies for registration or certification are not included in the course fees unless otherwise stated. Where such fees are payable by (WWSHH) on behalf of the student, (WWSHH) shall have the right to pass on the amount of such fee or any increase of such fee notified to it after the date of enrolment.
Failure to complete the course shall not entitle you to receive any refund of fees already paid. Course enrolments are not transferable.
Overseas students shall be responsible for paying any import or export duties or taxes which may be imposed.
You can study as and when it is convenient for you. However, (WWSHH) advises you to complete your course within two years as syllabuses are subject to change; and, in the event that you do not complete your course within 3 years, (WWSHH) may charge additional fees if you decide to continue studying on the course.
You must observe all (WWSHH) rules applicable to the course. If you commit any breach of such rules or are guilty of any offensive behaviour, or (WWSHH) has reasonable grounds for believing that you are likely to misuse your course qualifications, (WWSHH) shall be entitled to expel you from the course, without reimbursement of fees already paid.
(WWSHH) reserves the right to decline to accept any application for enrolment. On certain courses, you may be required to undertake an interview before enrolment. If your enrolment is accepted, but it transpires that the course is not appropriate for you, the Company shall be entitled to cancel your enrolment at any time.
All intellectual property rights in the courses and the course materials (including design, text, graphics, software, images, video, audio and other related content) are owned or licensed by (WWSHH). Copying, adaptation or other use without the written permission of (WWSHH) is prohibited.
Course content may be subject to change and may be different to the syllabus set out on our website or in our promotional materials. From time to time, (WWSHH) may vary the content of and/or the qualification(s) relating to its courses to take account of new regulations or the requirements of accrediting bodies for which an additional charge may be made if such change occurs after the date of your enrolment.
(WWSHH) warrants that all course materials will be prepared and any practical training workshops and training support will be provided with reasonable care and skill. Subject thereto, (WWSHH) shall have no liability to any person for any loss or damage, however occurring, whether direct or indirect, resulting from your enrolment on the course. (WWSHH) liability shall in any event be limited to the fees paid by you for participation in the course.
(WWSHH) reserves the right to cancel or re-schedule any practical
Unless otherwise stipulated in your application, (WWSHH) may use your personal data for administrative and update purposes and may keep this information for a reasonable period and may contact you by email, mail, SMS or telephone to let you know about any courses or promotions which might be of interest to you. If you have booked the course for another person, you confirm that they have authorised you to act for them, to consent to the processing of their personal data and to receive any fair collection notices on their behalf.
If you have booked the course for another person, these terms and conditions shall be binding on you and the participant and references herein to “you” shall mean or include “the participant”, where appropriate. It shall be your responsibility to ensure that these terms and conditions are brought to the notice of the participant and you shall indemnify (WWSHH) against any loss, damage or liability resulting from your failure to do so.
In undertaking any work, you must take care to ensure that the work is within your competence and within the boundaries of your training. Any statement made to you about potential earnings or employment shall be treated as a matter of opinion and shall be non-binding.
training workshop.